Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

My first goal was to loose at least 10 pounds by Friday, July 13, 2012. As a reward to myself, I would get a new tattoo. This tattoo would have several meanings to me. The tattoo is the constellation ORION. The first obviously being that I reached my goal (when in fact, I exceeded it by almost double). The other reason is its significance in my family. Since I can remember, my dad has always had an instant connection to that set of stars. Referring to them as his friend. Every autumn  when they come out its like a breath of fresh air for him. When disscussing my plans to get this tattoo, he told me a story. When he was younger, the night sky was a comfort to him. Orion, specifically made him feel at home and right with the world. During the move he and my mom did from Alabama to Florida my dad became overwhelmed. When he finally got a chance to just settle down for a little bit he looked to the sky for reassurance. Orion was not where he left him...he had moved. With high levels of exhaustion and too much change he become very emotional. Not only had his home changed, his friend had changed. It was almost too much to bear. He broke down into sobs. After awhile he got used to it and Orion again became a comforter to him.
I knew my dad's connection and through his connection I formed my own. While in Germany, I looked into the sky one night on the way home from community choir. I was exhausted emotionally, mentally and physically. I was homesick. I was really far from home. The first thing I saw in that big beautiful night sky was my friend...Orion. Right then, I knew, I was okay. I wasn't truly that far. We shared the same sky. Since that night I sought him out when things were just hard.
Even though, I am back home, I still search the night sky for him. Home is never too far away. And now, I can look down and be reminded of that all the time.

PLUS!!! It was only $20 total! GREAT DEAL!!!

Compliments of James Withee at Modern Art Tattoo

Virgin skin

Before Stars

After stars

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